<\/a> Hawaiian woman (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[\/caption]Obesity is the number one epidemic in our nation and for a great number of those who teeter on the obese side of the scale, many of the eating and weight problems obese people face are rooted in an emotional issue. Loneliness, depression, feelings of inadequacy, low self worth, abandonment, fear - these are all painful emotional triggers that can be soothed with food as comfort and even companionship. These may not be your emotional triggers as to why you are where you are in your life right now, but there is a trigger. In order for you to make a New Year\u2019s resolution to lose weight and get healthy that will actually stick<\/em>, you and you alone have to be bold enough to identify that trigger and be willing and ready to change it. Here are some things you can do to put you on a path to success:<\/p>Topping the list of resolutions that are believed to improve one\u2019s life are: lose weight, get\u00a0 in better shape, eat a more nutritious diet, quit smoking, improve finances, get out of debt and spend more quality time with loved ones. These are all worthy goals that will most definitely enhance the quality of life if they are seen through to completion. However sadly, studies show that most people abandon their resolutions and fall back into old habits before the month of February is well under way.<\/p>
Researcher John Norcross and a group of colleagues have been conducting the success and failure rates of New Year\u2019s resolutions for the past 30 years and have published their findings in the Journal of Clinical Psychology<\/em>. They found that on average 50% of the population start off the new year with resolutions. In one study conducted over a six month period, they found that 71 percent stayed on course for two weeks, 64 percent for one month and 46 percent for six months. So while the numbers did significantly drop, a fair amount of people still stayed the course to what they started at the beginning of the year. But what\u2019s interesting to look at here is not why some people failed, but what were the ingredients that caused others to succeed.<\/p>Typically, people enter into the new year with a lot of passion for steering their lives in a different course than the previous year. They are determined to look sexier, eat healthier, be wealthier and an overall happier person. They dive in ready to take on this new persona and lifestyle of sexier, healthier, wealthier, happier, but with no real sense of direction or course of action.<\/p>
Sure, they know that to be sexier and healthier they must cut out junk food, dump the beer and cigarettes and get off the couch, or to be wealthier they need to eliminate their debt and bring in more money. To reach these goals, they employ what is usually a short list of things they plan to do. Here\u2019s an example:<\/p>