Who Are You?

The more I step into this place of being open about early midlife celebrations, the more women I’ve noticed coming forward with their stories of frustration and loss. And when I say “loss”, what I’m hearing more and more is that they’ve...

The Definition of Crazy

This morning while working out I kept hearing this strange noise and I thought my three-year-old was up to something she had no business doing. So when I went to check it out, it turned out to be a bird on our front porch trying to fly through the window above the...

Today’s Thought…

Focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want….that which you think about, comes about. Be thankful for all things in your life big and small. It really does make a difference! In Celebration,...

Is it Really an Early Midlife “Crisis”?

Lately you've been feeling sadder than normal and everything anyone close to you does sends you into an unexplained fit of rage. You can't quite put your finger on it because this isn't your normal PMS stuff. You're not pregnant and at 34 you're...

See Yourself in Others

Homework is hell. If kids think it’s torture to have to do more work after spending an entire day immersed in it, how do they think we parents feel? I remember disliking homework, but what I don’t remember is giving my mother a full on battle about every...